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Safely burying a time capsule

Jean-François Lefebvre

How to safely bury a time capsule

Time capsules are a wonderful way to preserve memories of a unique moment in time. No matter what the reasons for burying a time capsule, ensuring that you add the right items and bury it correctly will be vital in preserving the contents for when the time comes to open it. It is a medium in which you can save your memories, documents, photos, currency, and many more for you or your future self or your loved ones in a few years or decades. It is a portal through which you can speak with the next generation. Technology is evolving, always keep on changing with time, and it feels good to take a journey back through a time capsule. It can also help future generation to adopt a way of living as some historical data will be passed on. We can alert our next generation through a time capsule and this, even if for any reason our informatics system would go down. Who know, maybe the info you put in your time capsule may serve another generation if you forget to unearth it! Time capsule oftenly serve as memory can also serve as a prediction tool through which you can inform the a future generation or even, the day you unearth the time capsule, see how right you guessed the future would look like

To help you keep your memories intact and guarantee you will be able to find your time capsule at a later date, we’ve put together a quick guide to time capsule burial:

What to include

Time capsules should be a completely personal collection of memories so deciding what to put in it is entirely down to you. Some great ideas though are personal items from your life as it currently is – think about things such as:

  • Photographs

  • Newspaper

  • Tickets from your favorite concert

  • Letter to somebody or to your future self

  • Coins

  • Price list including gas bills, and milk rate

  • College fee

You should avoid anything that is perishable or could cause damage to other items, so things like food and liquid should be left out. Equally, you should avoid things like batteries, paper clips, and rubber bands as these can perish over time and destroy the rest of the items.

How to bury your time capsule

When it comes to burying your time capsule, you will want to ensure that it is in a location that will not be disturbed for a long time, it is then better to avoid construction site, abandoned field etc. You should aim to bury it around 15-25” below the surface so it can attain a more stable temperature and that Wild animals do not unearth it. The beast position is habitually in a vertical position to ensure it maintains its strength and that water can’t infiltrate it. Make sure that your lid is tightly closed. Most Time Pigeon time capsule comes with a seal vinyl sticker to offer a second protection.

You should also make sure that wherever you bury it, you can easily find it – so log the coordinates on your phone or bury it a set distance from a permanent landmark as trees, easy to identify sites or walls.

Protect your memories with Time Pigeon

Here at Time Pigeon, we provide a range of highly secure, long-lasting time capsules that will protect your belongings safe for years underground! Want to bury a time capsule? Check out our full range of products here. You can also find more information and guidelines and extra ideas of what can be included in your time capsule, visit the Time Pigeon website

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